
Angry Audio C6S – Audio Chameleon Broadcast Processing Software

Getting livestream loudness right can be tricky. There’s a thin line between compelling, listenable streaming audio and fatiguing annoyance. You need an audio processing guru to get it right! Guess what: there’s an app for that. C6s brings famous Chameleon adaptive audio processing to your computer. Fire it up and Chameleon listens to your content, evaluates every nuance in real-time and tweaks parameters to deliver consistent loudness and amazing clarity that grabs and holds streaming listeners.

C6s sounds fantastic immediately. You probably won’t want to touch it. But if you want to fine-tune a bit, C6s gives you some personality controls to influence Chameleon’s decision-making engine. Tell it “I need a touch less bass” or “make it a little more dense” and sit back — Chameleon does the rest. There’s more. Chameleon’s loudness governor lets you set your output target to match the requirements of major streaming platforms (like Apple, Amazon, YouTube, etc.). Set it for -16 LUFS, for example, and never think about it again. Your stream will be compliant.

To combat compression blues, Chameleon Codec Camouflage matches parameters to your chosen codec, concealing losses and artifacts. And it runs on every popular platform. Windows? Wonderful. Mac? Marvelous! AU and VST plugins even let you integrate C6s with streaming hosts that support plugins.

C6s delivers just what you’ve been dreaming of: Big, bold streams that leap out of the speakers and demand to be heard. From talk to rock and everything in between, C6s delivers streams as loud as radio, but with consistency, clarity and natural presence.

Angry Audio C6S - Audio Chameleon Broadcast Processing Software

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